SRAC: Directories
Board of Directors - This is the policy-making body for SRAC. Membership of the Board provides an appropriate balance among representatives from State Agricultural Experiment Statesion, Cooperative Extension Services, 1890 Institutions, and the Administrative Heads of Agriculture Section of the Board of Agriculture of the National Association of State University and Land Grant Colleges
Industry Advisory Council - This council is composed of producer representatives from the Southern Region and provides input and guidance in recommending to the Board research and extension needs and priorities from an industry perspective.
Technical Committee - This committee is composed of representatives from participating research institutions and state extension services, other state or territorial public agencies as appropriate, and non-profit private institutions. Membership of the TC includes research and extension scientists representing essentailly all states in the region. The TC recommends research and extension needs and priorities to the Board from a scientific perspective.
Extension Contacts - These contacts for each state in the Southern Region assist SRAC with the distribution of Fact Sheets and other information.